Sorry. Neglect. I know. No matter, as this time I have been genuinely busy, even though that sounds like an excuse. Loads to talk about. JP Videography and I filmed a promo for our old uni library, and I filmed my first wedding. The promo was nice to film, totally planned and thought out easy stuff really. Wedding was a bit different. I know everyone films weddings who films, but I really thought it was good practice for everything. Think I'm going to do some more. The camera got spoilt for it too…new lens, mic n that. More to come…hopefully. I brought a guitar.

First video using my new gear. Its a bit rough round the edges but I filmed it before work, and if you follow this blog you'll know all about the time before work.

WOW. Since I was last here a fuck load has happened. I actually got into a good routine updating this before the recent neglect. Anyway, if you can cast your mind back (or just scroll down) to when I was building my kit camera…well I have the results. I was pleasantly surprised, especially as I left the film on the side for about 2 weeks before getting it developed. Not sure what the markings are on the film, maybe someone on here could tell me? I think they look cool. I had an operation I needed for years. Proper painful but I should be able to breath like a normal person once the healing is done. 

Built a camera today. Hard as fuck, going to pick up some film tomorrow and give it a go.

Feel fucking awful. The documentary is on temporary hold over Christmas. The video I made of slow things turned out crap because I filmed with the ISO too high; as I said I'm learning on the job. There is a lot of me in the photo.

I need to start organising properly. Got lots going on now and its a bit hectic. Making a documentary, getting a degree, finding a premises to store all my crap, christmas shopping, blog posting, actually working, and a mountain of Mini parts to fit. Its hard to do it all without planning...I might start using a diary. I blindly agree to do things with out checking what else I'm doing. Anyway, I went to London for the weekend with the family, had another go at street photography, still scary as fuck. I went to the science museum and filmed moving things, which I plan to make an edit of soon, but for now here's some pictures.

I know I post a lot of this sort of stuff. But this is amazing ... fan dedication.

Last night was cool, my previous 3 Friday nights have been spent in and I confess to enjoying it. Night in, mate round, beers and good music. Breakfast this morn, stopped at a cafe that does the most amazing milkshake! I then went for some filming, did some 60fps stuff and filmed people. I don't know how street photographers do it...nerves of steel. Pretty happy with what we got, still loads to do but IT IS HAPPENING.

Things are looking good, I have started editing and I am happy with what I have so far. Originally I wanted to keep as much unedited footage as possible, but its pretty hard to get it right with my set up, and I have little to no experience with I will be doing some grading after. But thats away off yet, and I need to learn to grade properly. I will probably invest in a monitor, because finding focus is a bit of a fuck without one too. Anyway I was in Canterbury today, and it made me want to film even more, so tomorrow I might go out with the camera. Ive been feeling the cold, I bought one of those Dyson fans...they're terribly loud, so I made my own silent heater from bits of garden.

As you may have noticed, I've had a change around with the banner logo. I think it looks a bit less cluttered.

Not sure if I said this already, but I'm doing the music for the documentary as well. Its lots of stuff to get done, everything seems to be working in harmony though. Two laptops, one for editing, one for producing, and the best part is when I get bored of writing music I can edit/film or vice versa. Anyway its coming along nicely, there's no talking yet but we'll get to that, I've made some scary looking disclaimers though, so I think I'm set to just go out and find some willing people.

Cleared out my draw and found some old stuff I forgot I had. My first portable CD player, my first MP3 player (64Mb at least enough for 13 songs), my first iPod, second iPod, first portable speaker for Sony Ericsson K models I think, wrist band from the first festival I went to, some super old MBUK top trumps from my riding days, a list of classic Mini parts from when I first started this blog and a BLOCKBUSTER card! Emotional.

My 21st birthday happened. I'm having immense fun with out of focus photos, it has to be done right though, not sure I have done it yet, i'll upload more soon. Anyway, I had a party, got pissed and it was pretty fucking good. I brought a shitload of camera gear for the documentary too.

Solved my sound problem, which is mostly what I'm showing you. I basically had lots of noise coming through my set up; Audio Technica AT815a, XLR to big headphone jack, and a converter into 3.5mm headphone jack into the camera. Obvious or not so obvious problem I had no pre-amp. Found a nifty £25 gadget 'iRig Pre', originally designed for iPhone so you can record instruments. It did mean i had to get my soldering iron out, but youtube helped with that. I didn't film the intro, because I was too annoyed about sound stuff, so i should get that done at the weekend.

Sorting out the first bits of filming my documentary. I did some initial filming and editing last night just to see what I would need out in the world of real people, but i'm learning on the job. I'm having sound issues at the moment, nevertheless I have found something that may solve my problems though 'iRig'. Just means more waiting around for delivery, but I might film the introduction today.

Its been a mad month. I've put a holiday photo in this post too, but its really about other things. I was the wearer of a mad beard, I had to shave it off, the itch was too much. Everyone keeps asking if I will be doing Movember. No. I went to Mike Skinners club night launch Tonga last weekend though. That was some mad stuff, i'll upload more stuff from that later. I want to make a documentary, all cinematic and pro shit. I brought a new camera too, its immense fun.

I put two of my favourite things together. Jetskis and The D.O.T.

Back from holiday. Ive been back for ages, but updating with a laptop is long, i'm looking at apps for posting with my phone...not sure of the implications though. Anyway. I posted ages ago about arriving at  reserved tables, its weird because this time we arrived at more of a reserved bench, nevertheless it was overtly boom. I visited seaworld, before the apparent rumour of losses; I thought it was cool. I got to go jet-skiing twice whilst I was away, which was a surreal experience because the jetski was mine and I was on holiday. On my return I photographed some wildlife and now have access to a gopro. I'm going to experiment with it and upload here.